Ivie Fenoi-Lynch asked 2 weeks ago

There is no member access to this !Please addvise.

3 Answers
Brian Parker Staff answered 2 weeks ago

Hey, I am on it. I went online and it opens for me everytime. I will look at it but it appears to be working. Thank you. BPP

Brian Parker Staff answered 2 weeks ago

Still not seeing a problem. Please send a screen shot of when you go on the site and you can not access so I can see what is happening on your end. Thank you, I am on this for you even on a Sunday. BPP

Natalie Staff answered 2 weeks ago

Good morning Ivie,

It appears your membership expired on October 31st. If you would like to have access to all the videos and files, you will need to re-subscribe. You can choose your plan here: https://collectionstoppersolutions.com/membership-levels/