So Many Questions!!

Lena Murdock asked 2 weeks ago

Hello, My name is Lena (pronounced Leeenuh), and I'm actually helping my husband. Well, he handed it to me and said you is smart. I've only been able to get so far on my own, but there is no one here in Wichita that does this sort of thing any more. Only bankruptcy. And I was told that no one will even look at the documents since I looked at them and formed an opininion. There was one who does debt consolidation and relief, and he said that I knew more than he does. But, from the get go, the summons was suspicious, the timing of the affidavit to me is in question, the bill of sales are off, and it looks like even there is more than one lawyer working on the case and no one is communicating. BTW the firm representing is Blitt and Gaines, and it's LVNV. And all of the documents have been coming from the Illinois office not the Kansas office. Which when I asked if this was normal, I was told i'm not familiar with federal law. It's not federal, it's civil district. We don't qualify for legal aid either, tried that. Google helps to a point. I'm about done with the incompetency here in Kansas as far as lawyers go. Because they all seem lazy and money hungry. I can send documents better through my email if you would like to see any of them. Thank you for helping in any way. I just want to know if i'm not crazy in seeing what I'm seeing.


Brian Parker Staff replied 2 weeks ago

Lena, I cannot speak for Kansas as I don’t practice there. I am hopeful if you represent yourself, the videos and templates and instructions are helpful in that regard. LVNV is an easy one, relatively speaking as debt buyers have no ownership. if they have a Transfer Assignment document attached to the lawsuit. See if Jackson Walker signs it. Go online and find other signatures in assignments he has signed as I show on my site with LVNV, Thank you. BPP