Non-evidentiary Hearing (in Volusia county, Florida) in response to my ‘Defendant’s Motion to set aside default #21/Status Hearing” (Hel

Community Self Defense Q&ACategory: General CommentsNon-evidentiary Hearing (in Volusia county, Florida) in response to my ‘Defendant’s Motion to set aside default #21/Status Hearing” (Hel
Arlene S Munoz asked 2 months ago

Good morning Brian,

The court has scheduled a Non-evidentiary hearing in response to my 'Defendant's Motion to set aside default #21/Status Hearing" (I missed a trial hearing in Dec after an impasse on the Mediation).

The hearing is scheduled for the end of this month via zoom.

My questions:

  1. Shoul I only bring up at the hearing case law dealing with 'setting aside' or should I continue to talk about my 'meritorious' defenses: I do not owe the debet to Midland and they haven't proved they own it; affirmative defenses; failure to provide the Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement; failure to provide Chain of Title of debt; etc..
  2. Help!


5 Answers
Brian Parker Staff answered 2 months ago

Given the place you are starting at with the no show and default, that is an in depth legal question. You can go through consultation membership section for this inquiry for the attorney time required to examine and answer the question. The sworn counter affidavit is everything also. Florida has tougher rules than most. Thank you.

Brian Parker Staff answered 2 months ago

You signed up for the special "Three month membership and 15 Minutes" deal? What date? Thank you.

Arlene S Munoz answered 2 months ago

I have never used the 15 minutes of consultation when I first signed up- could I use that time?

Arlene S Munoz answered 2 months ago

I originally signed up in August for the 3 month special you were running. I have pd for Nov, Dec, Jan.

Arlene S Munoz answered 2 months ago

Are you asking when am I available? My schedule is flexible; tomorrow Friday or Monday 1/27th would work for me. Mornings are good.

(I received an email to confirm my inital subscription dated August 25, 2024).