Mediation on Small Claims Court in Fl after Pre-trial

Community Self Defense Q&ACategory: General CommentsMediation on Small Claims Court in Fl after Pre-trial
Arlene S Munoz asked 1 month ago

Hi Brian and team!

Again, thanks for all the info you provide!

On the pre-trial hearing a couple of weeks ago the attorney representing the attorneys of MCM told me he 'was not authorized to dismiss the case'. The judge denied my Summary judgement for lack of standing. I asked for Jury Trial. The judge said Mediation is mandatory; it is scheduled for Dec 11th via Zoom.

I'be been listening to your mediation and debt settling videos. My questions to you: (1) Should I do a counter claim using the info on your ASS- account stated - video IF the MCM attorney doesn't want to settle before Mediation? (2) Should I just wait instead until Mediation? (3) The judge said something to the effect, during the pre-trial hearing, that if MCM stated on their claim they have an assignment, that she takes that at face value... I guess she doesn't believe on debt buyers having to show the Purchase Agreement...??? With this in mind, what do you recommend?

Background: I submitted my answer, counter affidavit, defenses prior to the hearing although it was not required since suit is in small claims... yet MCM seems to want to move forward to Mediation and possibly trial. With this info... it seems to me MCM knows the judge is debt buyer-friendly..?

I'm thinking of offering 5% as the 'low floor' and not more than 15% as the 'high ceiling' (total amount sued for is shy of $2k).

Comments? Tips?

1 Answers
Brian Parker Staff answered 1 month ago

Check out the coverage on my videos for your questions as I am not your attorney on the case you reference and I don't use the site to obtain case work. Thank you kindly. Brian Parker