JPMorgan Chase Suttell & Hammer Lawsuit

Community Self Defense Q&ACategory: General CommentsJPMorgan Chase Suttell & Hammer Lawsuit
Samantha Murphy asked 2 months ago

Hello I have been watching all of your videos and have found so much value and more, this is a gold mine and I am thankful i have come across your account on TikTok. A little back story I was served by JPMorgan Chase Bank and Suttell & Hammer is the lawfirm they are using, I live in Colorado. I have gotten through the affidavit, and answer, debt validation letters, and discovery. They ony validation they have sent me is a years worth of statements, and within 2 days of filing my answer they also ordered mediation I am not sure if that is the common thing now a days. I havent seen much on here that covers medation and I dont really know how to approach this, I have also searched high and low online and there isnt much information out there around this subhject. I know you cannot give legal advice, but any sort of information on a pathway forward, or any suggestions would be amazing. If you cant i completely understand.. Hope everyones new year has started off wonderful.Thank you again,Samantha

2 Answers
Brian Parker Staff answered 2 months ago

There is a mediation video on the site. Did the court order mediation. Attorneys don't order mediation. Mediation or court participation is all about what your goals are. What are your goals. If you have to go to the mediation process, know it back to front. Is it binding? If so, is there a punishment for not accepting any award? Know everything about the process and the other side's case. Look at my last Cap One video. It can apply to this mediation situation and you can use that cheat sheet. Stick to your theme meme and don't waver from the sheet as it applies to the mediation and your facts and state law. That's what I would do. I guarantee you that your hard work will be noticed and it will impress the mediator and intimidate the other attorney who will take you lightly and not prepare. Know his case better than he does and there will come a point where you can point out how he is wrong on his own facts or case. Most attorneys don't prepare for mediation. You might want to consider creating a brief for the mediator. The other side probably won't do that. Remind the mediator you did the Brief for him/her because you respect the hard work involved in his job. As I preached on the Cap One video I mentioned, respect pays big dividends. Be an educated, hard working, Problem Parker and you will see respectable results.After 30 years, I still face tasks or even new attorneys that bother or stress me out. It is the nature of the biz. The stress is always there. Bearing down and doing the hard preparation work has helped me and improved my attitude and outcome-the work takes away your anxiety. Everyday I face a task that I knock off with hard work so that the thing I don't like becomes easy and at least, manageable. Never fails. That is what I do. I wish you the best of luck.

Samantha Murphy replied 2 months ago

My goal is to get it tossed out or at the very least get a low settlement agreement. I did watch you mediation video and it worries me that they will try to pull something like you stated in your video about having to accomplish what they wanted or you pay lawyers etc. I also meant to say that yes they court filed mediation or some other form of for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Have you coached someone before mediation? I just want to be prepared for curve balls, I know my case inside and out but feel mediation is a whole different ballgame I just dont want to be caught off guard..

Thank you for you reply I appreciate you taking time out of your day to get back to me.


Brian Parker Staff answered 2 months ago

Not sure what you are asking. Are you asking about hiring me to consult you on the mediation prior to attending it? We have memberships for that if you need it. Thank you.