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Buy Bundle (1 video) How To Hack A JPMorgan Chase Debt Collection Lawsuit

Here, Brian takes us along the same route as with other creditor/debt buyer lawsuits but with a twist: He uses discovery and lets you in behind the curtain and shows you how a Trust operates and the forms that must use to assign the debt back to the Creditor so the Creditor can sue. Have not seen one Trust do this, btw. Why would they? Who is plucking out a single debt from the millions stored in the JPMorgan trust and filling out the necessary paperwork to do this. See the forms from the Trust on the Membership website along with the actual answer, counter affidavit and counterclaim in Word. Go get'em.

This video includes the following documents and templates:

Answer Template
Securitization Index
Counter Affidavit
JPMorgan Lawsuit

Review Disclaimer: This is for your research to apply your state rules and there are no attorney client relationships and we are not practicing law in any state with this membership or purchase.

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