Five Quick Tips on Discovery and Motions to Compel

Five Quick Tips on Discovery and Motions to Compel
Includes Full Length Instructional Video
In this video, Brian discusses his discovery philosophy and how he creates inquiries that serve the specific facts of the cases. It all starts with your Counter Affidavit. He explains further that less is more, especially when you have to file a motion to compel when the other side fails to properly answer the questions. Brian also takes you the through the type of discovery to send, why an opposing party responds the way they do (generally not a good reason) and how to turn evasiveness into a win for your side. Remember, only fight for the hill you are prepared to die for.
This video includes the following documents/templates:
Motion to compel
Supplementing discovery
Order to deny arbitration
Proposed order
Show notes
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Your purchase or use of our content or forms again, does not create an attorney client relationship. Though Brian Parker is a proud member of the State Bars of Florida and Michigan, this is a source of research and insight into how Brian Parker’s mind operates and how he perceives the practice of law when it is used for the benefit of victims Mr. Parker has represented in the past.
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