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ABC’s of Collection Defense Part 1a – Handling Your First Appearance at Court

This is the third part of a bundle series on the ABC’s of Collection Defense. This selection of videos and documents covers going to court for the first time for your collection lawsuit. Included are all of the templates and forms to help you on your journey. Good luck.

Content included in this bundle:

  • Part 1a of the ABC’s to Collection Defense – Handling Your First Appearance at Court – $179

  • Top 10 Quick Tips To Win In Court – $179

  • Why Judges Do What They Do – $179

  • Top Ten Judge Tips To Win in Court -$179

Normally $720, but a special bundle price of $179!!

Review Disclaimer: This is for your research to apply your state rules and there are no attorney client relationships and we are not practicing law in any state with this membership or purchase. 

Brian Parker